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Infotraffico del 05 Febbraio 2024 13:30

Speaker 0: Marco Gargini We start from Fipili where in direction of the sea for an incident that happened at the 19th and 600 km we can see the tracks between Genestra Fiorentina and Montelupo Fiorentino and the entrance is closed to Montelupo towards Livorno In A1 towards Bologna slow traffic for the north of Florence the Bivio with the variant of Valico Bacchieraia. In A12 for works is closed, the Rosignano Marittimo junction and entrance, in the direction of Genoa and Nuscita, coming from Genoa. As for the night-time night-time construction, in A1 panoramic tonight, at 6.20 pm, the line between the Bivio with the variante di Valico Baccheraia e Rio Veggio, in direzione Bologna Muoversi in Toscana è un servizio in collaborazione con Regione Toscana, Città Metropolitana e Comune di Firenze Buon viaggio! Muoversi in Toscana Info, aggiornamenti in tempo reale sulla mobilità nella regione o in collaboration with the Tuscany region, the metropolitan city and the municipality of Florence. Have a good trip!

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